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Nashville Area

Nashville, TN

Since 1976, Nashville Youth For Christ has built intentional relationships with youth in the Middle Tennessee area. Nashville YFC has differentiated itself by its diverse approach to meeting the needs of youth in detention centers, inner-city youth, teen parents and serving both middle and high school students during school hours. Nashville YFC staff, volunteers and partners see the deep need for the message of Jesus to be shared with every young person while serving the social/emotional/physical needs of students. We invite you to learn more about Nashville Youth For Christ by contacting our Executive Director, Jeff Shicks

Ministries in Nashville Area

Campus Life

YFC Campus Life: Developing a solid foundation for life through Jesus

We totally get it. Middle and high school is a roller coaster. It is the best of times and the worst of times filled with pivotal moments. We know how a pivotal moment can shape a story, because we’ve been through them ourselves. We also know that young people experiencing pivotal moments often feel over-looked and under-served, walking through their story without someone in their corner.

Campus Life leaders build relationships with young people to introduce them to Christ. We seek to cultivate great moments of connection and community for young people. Through a holistic approach Campus Life helps students as they wrestle with critical issues. Leaders help young people realize a Christ-centered life that provides balance mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially. 

We are committed to coming alongside young people and meeting them where they are. We seek to help young people navigate the pivotal years of middle and high school, uncovering God’s story of hope in their lives.

Campus Life Story

Campus Life Military

Over 430,000 military-connected youth live all over the world.

Campus Life Military leaders seek to connect with military-connected youth through genuine, Christ-sharing relationships. These young people often feel overlooked, and it’s our passion to make them feel seen, heard, and valued.

Military-connected youth proudly serve their country and live all over the world. On average they move 7-9 times before graduating high school. On top of military deployments and finding new friends every time they move, they deal with normal teenage issues. While searching for identity and purpose, they are thrown into a world of struggles, including issues surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity, substance abuse, academic struggles, family brokenness, violence, and divorce. In the midst of these challenges, they also face separation from parents due to military deployments.

Campus Life Military leaders offer young people a steady voice and reliable presence. Leaders are intentionally postured as humble, authentic mentors. They strive to create fun, safe spaces where every teenager can experience Jesus Christ and grow in faith. Common activities at Campus Life Military include small groups, large gatherings, trips, camps, and service projects.

City Life

City Life is a relational, holistic, community-based ministry aimed at serving under-resourced neighborhoods through developing young people from that community to emerging leaders who lead where they live.

Young people from these communities are less likely to meet Jesus through traditional outreach models. Most face significant challenges including violence, homelessness, fatherlessness, abuse, neglect, addiction, among<