
Two-thirds of American Christians Don’t Know How to Tell Others About Jesus

June 7, 2022


How Do You Share the Gospel?

A recent survey revealed that despite the majority of American Christians wanting to share their faith in their communities, 66% of Christians don’t know any methods for telling others about Jesus. Another 68% claim that “it is the responsibility of the pastor to equip the congregation to share the gospel.” The report also states that 70% of Christians have not shared the gospel with an individual in the past six months.

Despite these responses, the desire to share the Good News is still strong. The report claimed that 93% of Christians say they are “at least somewhat open to having a conversation about faith with a friend.”

3STORY® is Our Lifestyle

This is where Youth For Christ (YFC) a staple in the missional ministry community in America for 78 years, comes in. Utilizing their unique 3Story® approach, YFC comes alongside youth during pivotal moments in their lives and builds meaningful relationships, all while sharing the gospel. 3Story® is a way of life that guides followers of Jesus to be good news as they share the Good News. The three circles represent the three stories taking place — God’s Story, the individual’s own story and the stories of young people. When the circles overlap, friendship is growing, trust is building, and transformation is happening!

YFC spokesperson Joe Beckler said, “We pursue 11–19-year-olds who are walking through pivotal, story shaping moments, such as navigating a new school, becoming a teen parent, spending time in a juvenile institution or simply enduring the culture of social media. Young people often feel marginalized. As we live 3Story® lives, we represent Jesus who is steady and trustworthy. This is done so that young people feel seen, heard and valued.”

“3Story® helps people who love Jesus stay tightly connected to Him so they might become good news as they talk about the Good News of God’s love. It’s a lifestyle we at Youth For Christ pursue. We want to be people who love like Jesus loves us, who serve as Jesus serves and who are consistently drawing near to God for the sake of young people everywhere.”

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