You’re a part of the Story

January 24, 2025


Winter Camp brings light in a dark season.

“RJ is a high school senior who has been involved in Campus Life since he was a freshman. RJ has had a tough life and struggled with addiction. For a while he was clean, but last year he fell back into a group of friends who led him back into that lifestyle. He has always been “friendly” toward God but never had a relationship with Him. RJ stopped coming to Campus Life and went radio silent, even when we reached out multiple times.

This year, I reconnected with RJ a few times when I was volunteering during lunch in the cafeteria. I asked him if he was interested in attending Winter Camp this year. To my surprise, he said he would love to come, but didn’t have any money. So, I told him, as long as you can pay $25, I’ll get the rest for you. That same day, he signed up and paid his $25. I was able to raise the rest of the funds from generous people in the community and through our national scholarship program.

“I’ve never experienced God like I did in our guy’s cabin time at camp.” – RJ

During Winter Camp, RJ said “yes” to Jesus for the first time. He wanted to keep learning and growing in his faith so that week, he made sure to attend Campus Life and went to a youth group in our area for the first time. That next Sunday, he even brought his whole family to church, and they loved it.

Isn’t that just like our God?  To impact an entire household through one young person’s changed life and contagious faith.

Since then, RJ has been at church every Sunday (besides missing a few to work). People are noticing a difference in his attitude and how he acts. He seems so much more joyful. It is amazing to see how God has transformed his heart over Winter Camp.” – Liz, YFC Leader