
YFC Encourages Trust in a Perfect God

April 11, 2022


YFC’s Emphasis on Easter

As Christians around the world prepare to celebrate Easter, Youth For Christ is reflecting on the impact the Easter story has on its ministry. In addition to rejoicing at the resurrection of Christ and His defeat of death, YFC acknowledges the struggle and sacrifice.  With that said, it was necessary for Christ to have faith in God’s plan as a perfect man among imperfect sinners.

YFC CEO Jacob Bland said, “Leading up to the cross, Jesus demonstrated relentless trust in Pontius Pilate, of all people, in order to help fulfill God’s perfect plan for humanity. How could Jesus be so trusting in that moment of an imperfect leader? The key is that Jesus wasn’t ultimately trusting Pilate, but in His Father who was — and is— relentlessly trustworthy.

YFC’s Encouragement

“This leads me to consider the situations we all face in life and in ministry with kids who endure hardship and trials. How could we invite a kid in a juvenile detention facility, for example, to trust our staff — given all they’ve been through and all they face? It’s because ultimately we aren’t encouraging them to place their trust in any person or organization, but in Christ, who relates to their circumstance because He lived it. We invite them to place their trust in the God of the universe who knows them, loves them, and has prepared their future in advance. So, yes! We can authentically encourage youth to release any burden, and to trust in God who knows and cares for them.”

A recent study by Springtide Research revealed that 51% of youth are unsure of how to connect to a new faith community. With that said, 47% of youth claim they do not trust any type of religion, faith, or religious leaders. These findings are reasons why YFC is committed to coming alongside young people. Our goal is to show them the love of Christ during key pivotal moments in their lives.