Plans to Spread the Gospel Worldwide
For YFC, our mission to come alongside young people in pivotal moments and commit to living life with them has always had global implications. One chapter, YFC BIGJAWs in Bluffton, Indiana, has recently gained an international reach by partnering with Youth for Christ International and making India their 30th site.
Celebrating 30 years of ministry this year, YFC BIGJAWs—which stands for Blackford, India, Grant, Jay, Adams, and Wells, as the five Indiana counties their ministry reaches in addition to the country of India—is pleased to be working with youth not only in their local community but all over the world.
“This is an exciting endeavor for us and involves some out-of-the-box thinking,” YFC BIGJAWs Executive Director Ryan Biegel commented. “We are truly excited to adopt India into our chapter of ministry.”
YFC BIGJAWs connection to India YFC
This innovative project originated with Josh Seder, the chief financial officer of YFC BIGJAWs. Seder stated, “A couple of years ago, my wife and I adopted a little girl from India, and through that process, we met the country director for YFC India. After talking with him and learning more about what they are doing in India, I realized that kids are kids, whether they are in the United States or if they’re in India—they all have the same need and desire to belong, and YFC gives people that. It gives people a chance to belong and realize that they are a part of God’s family.
“Through this partnership, they are becoming part of us and we are becoming part of them, and this partnership will serve to carry to Gospel forth.”
Seder continued, “As of right now, we can only reach 144,000 kids through YFC India, which is half of a percent of all the 11-19 year-olds in the whole country. The opportunity for expansion in this area is huge, and there are so many more kids that can be told about the hope, the truth, and the saving grace of Jesus Christ.”