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Bilingual Parent Life Staff


Lincoln, NE

Job Type


Posted On

July 26, 2024





Location / Chapter

Lincoln Area

Ministry Site

Parent Life

Ministry Model

Parent Life


$15.00 - $20.00/hr


20-30 Weekly


Position Summary

Primary Goal: The Part-Time Parent Life Site Director is responsible for working with our Parent Life staff team to strategically build and grow the Parent Life ministry in the Lincoln Area with the goal of evangelizing unreached, pregnant and parenting youth facing significant life challenges in every possible context (group homes, schools, neighborhoods, and small groups).



  • A vibrant, growing relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Bi-lingual Spanish/English. Due to the location of the site this position requires a bilingual candidate.
  • A proven track record of working with youth for at least five years.
  • Ability to supervise multiple ministry leaders, work well with parents and community/church leaders.
  • Have knowledge of facets of working with parenting teenagers.
  • Must be willing to present their mission in the community for the purpose of bringing in new financial supporters.

Position Requirements

Leadership Qualifications and Requirements:  

·      A vibrant, growing relationship with Jesus Christ. 

·      Involved in and supporting a local church by serving, being engaged in the community, and regularly attending.

·      Sets a godly example for staff, volunteers and students in one’s personal life. 

·      Demonstrates a humble and teachable spirit. 

·      Commitment to meet regularly with a group or specific person for accountability. 

·      Passionate about the mission and vision of Youth For Christ - Lincoln. 

·      Willingness to submit and minister within the guidelines of YFC - Lincoln. 

·      Submit to an extensive background and reference check. 

·      Participate fully in the life of the staff, board and volunteers. 

·      Recruit and lead ministry leaders (volunteers) from the local church, work well with school or agency staff, youth, and churches.  

·      Can effectively build and lead teams. 

·      Able to shepherd individual leaders. 

·      Have a working knowledge of Adverse Childhood Experiences or difficulties our parenting teenagers face. 

·      Skilled in problem solving. 


Spiritual Responsibilities: As an employee of Youth For Christ and an associate minister of the Gospel, YFC expects all employees to:

·      Seek God’s guidance and wisdom, through prayer and meditation, for the organization as a whole as well as for specific ministry initiatives.

·      Participate and lead regular times of prayer, devotion and worship as a regular aspect of your role within YFC.

·      Teach and preach from the Holy Bible at YFC staff meetings, conferences, camps and events.

Additionally, YFC employees may be commissioned or licensed as a minister of the Gospel through the established Youth for Christ process, and/or ordained by an outside body recognized by Youth For Christ USA. As such, the following additional responsibilities of a spiritual nature will apply to this position:

·      Perform sacramental functions such as the taking of communion and leading times of corporate prayer, confession and praise.

·      Perform and lead religious ceremonies such as weddings, baptism and funerals when called upon by staff and other members of the YFC community.


Goal: Ministry Leaders - The Site Director will recruit and involve qualified ministry leaders (volunteers) in order to build a team, seeking high levels of community and church involvement and funding for maximum evangelistic impact.


Performance Standards:

1.    Recruit, screen and train qualified (volunteer) ministry leaders to foster authentic Christ-sharing relationships with unchurched, non-Christian troubled youth, ages 11 to 19, so that there is at least 1 ministry leader for every 5 involved youth.

2.    Ensure the highest level of compliance and accountability with YFC/USA volunteer standards and procedures.


Goal: Funding - The Site Director will be responsible for contributing to the overall

Performance Standards:

1.    Create ministry sustainability by achieving 50% local funding for each ministry site.

2.    At least 20% of weekly ministry focused on fundraising through faithful activities with individuals, churches, government agencies and community groups.

3.    Create and run effective Parent Life fundraising events throughout the year (i.e. field trips, church presentations, individual donors, and participate in All Area fundraising events).

4.    Involve ministry leaders as financial partners and Champions of Parent Life.

5.    Ensure accurate accounting and management of financial partners, employing high levels of creative, personal donor communication and care.


Goal: Youth Evangelism - The Site Director will facilitate evangelistic opportunities throughout the year as well as create and manage strategic evangelistic ministry events in order to see as many youth as possible have the opportunity to make an informed decision as to faith in Jesus Christ.


Performance Standards:

1.    Train and exhort ministry leaders and staff to constantly deepen their authentic Christ-sharing relationships and to seek opportunity to “Ask the question” with their youth.

2.    Develop partnerships with local churches in order to facilitate integration of newly saved students into a church community.

3.    Ensure that all events meet the goal of presenting the gospel to unchurched, unsaved youth.

4.    Ensure that all events are fully funded, adhering to YFC - Lincoln budgeting standards and that all event funds are properly accounted for.


Goal: Team - The Site Director will be the example of the highest level of team interdependence and accountability. (See Employee Handbook)


Performance Standards:

1.    Lead in spiritual growth, attitude, accountability and team relationships in order to foster the greatest possible team unity, both within Parent Life and throughout YFC - Lincoln.

2.    Ensure excellence in administrative details i.e. agreements, contracts, accounting, donor care, Impact reporting, ministry leaders, financial partners etc.

3.    Foster healing and forgiveness through Biblical handling of conflict.

4.    Maintain the highest level of trust and integrity in all aspects of leadership, staff relationships, ministry and community involvement.


Additional Responsibilities:

1.    Direct Ministry - Actively involved in direct Parent Life ministry.

2.    Mentoring -Develop and maintain mentorship relationships with pregnant or parenting teens

3.    Marketing & PR - Intentionally and specifically seeks out and maximizes opportunities to make the public aware of the ministry of YFC - Lincoln through social media, public speaking opportunities, community organizations and general media.

4.   YFC - Lincoln General - Leads and/or participates in YFC - Lincoln events, ministries and activities as assigned.


PTO as well as major holidays off.

EOE Statement

YFC is classified as an Association of Churches and as such our hiring practices reflect that designation. As a religious nonprofit organization, Youth For Christ incorporates within each leader role, the requirement to model, teach, share and live the faith. The relationship between YFC’s mission and each of its leaders is its lifeblood and as such does at all times and in all instances reserve the right to make employment decisions based upon a person’s religious beliefs, personal character and lifestyle consistent with our understanding of the Bible or with our overall goals and requirements for Christian ministry.

We seek to create a workplace that is intentional about Kingdom Inspired Diversity. Our commitment to our employees extends to their opportunities for growth, development, promotion, training and compensation.

We will make reasonable accommodation for qualified individuals with known disabilities, unless doing so would result in an undue hardship to the organization.