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Campus Outreach Site Staff


Modesto, CA

Job Type


Posted On

July 26, 2024





Location / Chapter

Central Valley California Area

Ministry Site

Campus Life General

Ministry Model

Campus Life HS






Position Summary

The Campus Outreach Site Staff is a position that requires spiritual and organizational leadership skills, the ability to work with and through other people, and strong communication skills. S/he must embrace and build a team that embodies YFC’s Cultural Attributes: Christ-centered, enduring humility, relentless trust, courageous faithfulness, joyful camaraderie, and kingdom inspired diversity. S/he will seek to implement relational ministry actions to develop Authentic Christ-Sharing Relationships with young people within the context of their YFC ministry model.

Position PurposeTo support and grow the outreach with students on school campuses

Position Requirements

Personal & Spiritual Development

•Pray regularly/weekly for attendees, other students, volunteers/leaders, and overall club growth (deep & wide)

•Engage in Scripture reading and reflection

•Ensure overall behavior reflects YFC’s Life of a Leader standards

Campus Life Club Duties

•Work with Director and/or Coordinator on weekly/ongoing curriculum, know & study the material, prepared to lead each club (weekly)

•Communicate with volunteers the lesson plans, questions, club outline, etc. 24-48 hours in advance

•Approximately 8-10 hours should be devoted to each ministry site

•Track attendance sheets, and input data as needed (communicate with supervisor regarding these matters)

•Maintain relationship & communication with the school club advisor

•Meet with volunteers/leaders/student leaders prior to club, and debrief after the club(s); work with supervisor on training/development of leaders

Relational Ministry Actions with Students (per YFC standards)

•Practice and assist leading volunteers in the following RMA’s for effective, relational ministry (may include other site related needs):

•Contacting - Meeting new students (i.e. school lunch, attending games, volunteering), knowing them by name, and recording them

•Creating building times – developing ongoing relationships beyond a one-time introduction (i.e. park times, service together, youth groups)

•Appointments & small groups – includes one-on-one mentoring, discipling, and small group interactions (i.e. Starbucks, over lunch, in homes)

•Goal of deepening connections in authentic Christ-sharing relationships

Meetings & Administrative Duties

•Regular check-ins with Campus Ministries leadership team

•Monthly all-staff time on Monday’s, 9:30-11:00am

•Gathering campus teams minimum quarterly (also includes meeting one-on-one with campus site leaders, weekly if possible)

•Other community, school, and administrative meetings as needed

•Work with supervisor to brainstorm potential student & adult leaders, encourage referrals from current volunteers; assist supervisor in volunteer life cycle as needed

•Ensure all record keeping, data collection, rosters, etc. are collected & recorded accurately

Fundraising Responsibilities

All YFC regular full-time employees will be given the opportunity to be involved in the Stewardship functions of YFC/USA. These opportunities could include fund raising events, circle of influence/YFC donor contacts, and other opportunities as provided. 

Spiritual Responsibilities

Because the overriding religious purpose and mission of Youth for Christ USA is to communicate and introduce the Gospel of Jesus Christ to young people and their families, and in that regard to make, educate and encourage life-long disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is very important that you as an employee in the movement of Youth for Christ be recognized as an associate minister of the Gospel.

As an employee of Youth for Christ and an associate minister of the Gospel, YFC expects all employees to:

•Seek God’s guidance and wisdom, through prayer and meditation, for the organization as a whole as well as for specific ministry initiatives.

•Participate and lead regular times of prayer, devotion and worship as a regular aspect of your role within YFC.

•Teach and preach from the Holy Bible at YFC staff meetings, conferences, camps and events.

Additionally, YFC employees will have an opportunity to be commissioned or licensed as a minister of the Gospel through the established Youth for Christ process, and/or ordained by an outside body recognized by Youth for Christ USA. As such, the following additional responsibilities of a spiritual nature will apply to this position: 

•Perform sacramental functions such as the taking of communion and leading times of corporate prayer, confession and praise.

•Perform and lead religious ceremonies such as weddings, baptism and funerals when called upon by staff and other members of the YFC community. 


Job Requirements/Specifications

YFC Central Valley Values

  • Humility, Wisdom, Honor and Joy

Knowledge & Skills

•Growing relationship with Christ

•Passion for the Great Commission

•Enjoyment connecting with teens

•Ability to inspire and gather people

•Self-motivated to work independently

•Interpersonal and up-front communication skills

•Pastoral heart to care for leaders, students, families, and others

Education & Experience

  • Minimum high school diploma and experience working with teenagers

On the Job Training

  • As needed


See YFC Leader Handbook for information.

EOE Statement

YFC is classified as an Association of Churches and as such our hiring practices reflect that designation. As a religious nonprofit organization, Youth For Christ incorporates within each leader role, the requirement to model, teach, share and live the faith. The relationship between YFC’s mission and each of its leaders is its lifeblood and as such does at all times and in all instances reserve the right to make employment decisions based upon a person’s religious beliefs, personal character and lifestyle consistent with our understanding of the Bible or with our overall goals and requirements for Christian ministry.

We seek to create a workplace that is intentional about Kingdom Inspired Diversity. Our commitment to our employees extends to their opportunities for growth, development, promotion, training and compensation.

We will make reasonable accommodation for qualified individuals with known disabilities, unless doing so would result in an undue hardship to the organization.