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Blue Mountain Area


There’s room here for every story.

From starting at a new school to becoming a parent, from choosing a job or a college to moving for the first time or the 10th time, from experiencing loss or trauma to spending time in a juvenile institution — 11-19 year olds face some of the most pivotal moments of their lives; moments that can shape their entire story. We know how a pivotal moment can shape a story, because we’ve been through them ourselves. We also know that young people experiencing pivotal moments often feel over-looked and under-served, walking through their story without someone in their corner. We facilitate relational ministry rooted in Christ’s truth. His truth about life together, empathy, and kingdom-inspired diversity guides our work and shapes our communities. Jesus shared the Gospel through story, so we share and listen to stories—to every story. Our calling is to partner with God (and others) by stepping into a young person’s life at pivotal moments, and to build lasting relationships in which God can work. We believe every 11-19 year old should have the opportunity to uncover God’s story of hope in their lives, realized through meaningful discipling relationships grounded in biblical community.